Sorry for the confusion caused by my earlier post; the changes to Haste and Critical Strike stats are apparently PvP-specific (something that will take some getting used to).

- Moonfire (non-Feral) damage increased by 10%.
- Balance
- Sunfire damage increased by 10%.
- Starfall damage increased by 10%.
- Lunar Strike damage increased by 5%.
- Solar Wrath damage increased by 5%.
Developers’ Notes: While many of the above changes are beneficial for PvP, some specs need additional tuning for PvP situations. Some of the PvP- specific changes we’re making are intended to counteract the above, while others are simply intended to help overall PvP balance.
- Guardian
- Frenzied Regeneration now factors in 50% of recent damage taken from players when determining it’s healing amount (previously, it ignored damage taken from players).
- Restoration
- Lifebloom’s bloom effect increased by 50% in PvP.
- Critical Strike stat reduced by 50%.
- Haste stat increased by 50%.