In addition to giving players the ability to unlock flight in the Broken Isles, Blizzard has announced that they will be adding class-specific mounts in Patch 7.2. Because the utility of our Travel Form is unmatched, the Druid “mount” will be an update to our epic flight form. Thanks to the ever-diligent MMO Champion, you can preview each our new owlish form in each of the four Druidic races: Night Elf (purple), Tauren (brown), Troll (red), or Worgen (black).
I understand why Blizzard decided to create an updated model for our Travel Form, but I have to admit that I’m a smidge jealous of the gorgeous mounts that the Monk and Paladin classes will be getting! Personally, I would love a quest for Druids to befriend a Wild Dreamrunner. I’ve seen Hunters asking to tame these creatures, but I prefer to think that unicorns would only agree to accompany someone equally attuned with nature.

On a related note, can I just say how disappointed I am with the Glyph of the Doe? Players have been complaining for years that our forms were non-gendered, and many who play female characters were especially frustrated when our cheetah Travel Form became an obviously male stag. The model for the unglyphed Travel Form has a jeweled harness, decorative barding on his legs, and jewels dangling from his antlers. Applying the (not inexpensive) Glyph of the Doe transforms the blinged-out stag into a female doe with no ornamentation at all. You can see the difference below:

I’m grateful that Blizzard made the effort to be more inclusive, but some enterprising model designer really ought to grab a bedazzler and fix this!
I’m a fan of the Glyph of the Doe because it is simply so very different. I agree that it is super ungarnished and that was a shock but, for me, the big contrast is welcome.
Maybe the contrast could be *extra* bling instead of none? 🙂 I feel compelled to use the gender-appropriate form but have not purchased a second copy for my Balance spec (the glyph is still 4.5k on Scarlet Crusade). As a result, I’m always saddened when I shift to the objectively prettier Travel Form while in that spec.
I actually like the doe a bit better and if I wasn’t a male PC I’d totally take that glyph. I like things that are more subtle and less fancy.
I suppose that’s a fair point. I was just so impressed with their version of the stag that the downgrade to the doe was a bit of a disappointment. Thank you for commenting!
*Update to our epic flight form*.. I really hope this is a mistake if that means it will overwrite my Troll Bat form. I absolutely adore my bat form and the fact that is very different to the other races. I’ll be incredibly unimpressed if I lose that to just another colourway of a flight form I’m not in love with.
I’m also wondering if the other classes get a mount, will that add to their total mount count as an additional mount and if our is an overwrite, how will that affect mount count for druids?
I never thought about the gendered aspect to the Stag/Doe glyph, personally I never take the doe form before it looks boring (cute but boring) and I love the gorgeous powerful stag form. The Doe form really needs to be updated to bring it inline with all the other druid forms, pretty and powerful looking.
Sadly, I had no idea that Troll Druids turn into bats! That is pretty awesome, and I, too, will be sad (on your behalf) if they don’t maintain that level of dimorphism with the new forms.
Really good point about iterating the mount count for Druid once the form is unlocked. Hopefully that will be the case in 7.2, but I suspect they may not have thought of it and we may have to wait for an update after enough players complain.
Thanks for commenting!
I did not know there was a glyph to make me a doe!
Phaelia, I have to know – have you had luck getting the Wild Dreamrunner yet?
I would imagine that is a mount you would love to get 🙂
Dreamweavers are the only Paragon level I have been aiming for since 7.2 hit!
Hah at the comments below the deers! I adore the way the female version lies down though.
I have not yet had the opportunity to spend time on the Wild Dreamrunner mount, but it is highest on my list! What a fantastic idea for Blizzard to have implemented; a great time sink for those who have already maximized their reputations for the flying achievement, but still customizable to one’s personal taste. Trust me, as soon as I have “bonded” with Azalea (the name of my future unicorn), I will definitely be making a blog post about it!! 🙂
Hah yes, it was all I did too. It is so amazing. It has given my Talbuk through 8 years of service a well deserved break. (Seriously? That long ago?!)
A part of me wish it had wings. When I got it, I unlearned flying (true story… 😛 ), and I use it everywhere now. Except Broken Shore. Damn hills!
I never thought about the gendered aspect to the Stag/Doe glyph, personally I never take the doe form before it looks boring (cute but boring) and I love the gorgeous powerful stag form. The Doe form really needs to be updated to bring it inline with all the other druid forms, pretty and powerful looking.